Twenty Christmons
Choose #1-20, #21-40, #41-60, #61-80, #81-100, or give us your own selection of twenty Christmons.
Available in three different sizes 3.5", 4.5" or 6"
Your Choice of 20 Christmons
$ 130.00
Be sure to let us know which ones you have chosen in the Note at checkout. Please be sure to have your email and phone number in case we need...
Ad Crucem Christmons #1-20
$ 130.00
Ad Crucem's Christmons are numbered. This is the set from #1 to #20.
Ad Crucem Christmons #21- 40
$ 130.00
Ad Crucem's Christmons are numbered. This is the set from #1 to #20.
Ad Crucem Christmons #41-60
$ 130.00
Ad Crucem's Christmons are numbered. This is the set from #1 to #20.
Ad Crucem Christmons #61-80
$ 130.00
Ad Crucem's Christmons are numbered. This is the set from #1 to #20.
Ad Crucem Christmons #81 - 100
$ 130.00
Ad Crucem's Christmons are numbered. This is the set from #1 to #20.
Ad Crucem - The Christian Christmas Tree - Book
$ 29.00
Our customers have often requested a book about our Christmons, and it has finally been written and sent for printing! We decided to write it according to the themes of the hymnal...
Ad Crucem Christmas Card Christmon Tree
$ 6.00
A Christmas tree brimming with Christmons. The inside of the card provides scripture references for 12 of the Christmons on the tree, and how each of them are symbolic of...
Ad Crucem Christmon Poster
$ 20.00
Ad Crucem's Christmon poster shows the 100 Christmons and their names in a beautiful display.