Tori's Floral Bible Cover - Lutheran Study Bible
$ 30.00
The sweetest padded Bible cover from our seamstress! This cover is specifically stitched for the Lutheran Study Bible. It features maroon as the primary color with white quatrefoils as a...
Tori's Faith Hope Love Bible Cover - Lutheran Study Bible
$ 30.00
The sweetest padded Bible cover from our seamstress! This cover is specifically stitched for the Lutheran Study Bible. The cover has Faith, Hope, Love printed on it in blue and...
Tori's Grey Paisley Bible Cover - Lutheran Study Bible
$ 30.00
The sweetest padded Bible cover from our seamstress! This cover is specifically stitched for the Lutheran Study Bible. The cover is a grey paisley with grey handles. The Bible's dimensions...
The Narrow Way Simply Shown (Second Edition)
The Narrow Way, published by Ad Crucem Books last year, has proved incredibly popular, with many thousands of downloads of the free version and almost one thousand purchases of the...
New Augsburg Book 2 - Christa Petzold
$ 20.00
Christa Petzold's newest book comes out September 12th! Order your copy now so that you can be among the first to read it! Book Description: Every decision of Callie Foster’s...
Without The Shedding of Blood by Prof. David P. Scaer
$ 13.00 $ 15.00
For over half a century, Rev. Dr. David P. Scaer has probed the organs of Lutheran doctrine and praxis as a master theological surgeon ready to excise malignant growths before...
New Augsburg, Book 1 - Christa Petzold
$ 20.00
The year is 2117, and Lydia Klein has lived a sheltered life in New Augsburg, a small town established as an oasis in an increasingly secular world. In the face...
The Family Bible Commentary by Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz
$ 22.00
The Family Bible Commentary authored by Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz. Ad Crucem is privileged to work with Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz to publish the Family Bible Commentary. Too many commentaries...
Why Christians Should Actively Oppose Globalism - Rev. Dr. Harold Ristau
Rev. Dr. Maj. (ret) Harold Ristau has written a timely essay explaining why Christians should actively oppose globalism. Rev. Adrian Sherrill wrote the forward, reminding Christians of Pastor Ristau's faithful...

Teaching Children Chastity for Life: Talking Points for Christian Parents - Marie MacPherson
$ 10.00
What’s better than sex ed? Mentoring your children for chastity! In this booklet, parents speak frankly to fellow parents on the basis of God’s Word, offering practical suggestions for dads...
Ad Crucem - The Christian Christmas Tree - Book
$ 29.00
Our customers have often requested a book about our Christmons, and it has finally been written and sent for printing! We decided to write it according to the themes of the hymnal...
Trinity for Tots - by Mary J Moerbe
$ 13.00
Christians know who they worship, because He is revealed through God's Word. Still, it can be intimidating to talk about God and the Trinity. Trinity for Tots is an easy,...
Lord, Thee I love with all my heart, M. Schalling
$ 20.00
"Lord, Thee I Love With All My Heart" Book Martin Schalling (Author), Kelly Schumacher (Illustrator) Join a young girl and her family as they endure the trial of her terminal...
Ad Crucem Gift Cards
$ 10.00
Looking for the perfect gift, but not quite sure which Ad Crucem product your loved one would like best? The Ad Crucem Gift Card answers that problem. Purchase our gift...
The Creation, The Fall and The Promise - Josh Radke
$ 22.00
Published by Grail Quest Books Author Joshua J Radke Illustrator Kelly Irene Schumacher Moses' account of the Creation of the cosmos by God, the Fall of mankind into sin, and...
Messiah - The Greatest Sermon Ever Sung
$ 27.00
“Fear not!” “Good News of great joy!” “Comfort!” “Iniquity pardoned!”” Lamb of God!” “Captivity captive!” “My Redeemer!” In this illustrated guide, Tony Pittenger expounds on the greatest sermon ever sung—G.F....